Hata mesajı

Deprecated function: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in include_once() (line 20 of /var/www/vhosts/alibabapension.com/httpdocs/includes/file.phar.inc).

Thanks for nice Holiday

We could not have found a better place to spend our Yoga & Meditation week than with Ali and his sister 'Love'. When we arrived Ashquel explained this is her name. And true it is. 'Love' was our hostess and we became her first and only concern. For Yoga practioners that look for being close to people in natural behaviour, this week has been a wonderfull holiday! We lived Turkish, eat, sleep and relaxed Turkish. If you are looking for this type of holiday and if you like to adapt to Turkish way of living, i can highly recommend you AliBaba and Love.